Working Papers
"Market Structure and College Access in the US" link
"The Effect of Federal Science and Engineering Research Funding on University STEM Education," with Devaki Ghose (World Bank) and Ekaterina Khmelnitskaya (UBC - Sauder) link
"How Does the Price of College Affect Major Choice?," with Ruipu Gao (Tulane) link (under review)
"COVID and Higher Education," with Riley Acton (Miami). Chapter for AEFP Live Handbook on Education Finance and Policy Research. link
"College Pricing in the US," with Sarah Turner (UVa). Chapter for AEFP Live Handbook on Education Finance and Policy Research. link
Published and Forthcoming
Media Coverage: Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, MarketWatch, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Forbes, Higher Ed Dive, The Economist
"Network Structure and Consolidation in the U.S. Airline Industry, 1990-2015," with Federico Ciliberto (UVA) and Jonathan W. Williams (UNC-Chapel Hill), The Review of Industrial Organization,, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp 3–36.
"Transitioning from High School to College: Differences across Virginia," with Jessie Romero (Richmond Fed) and Sarah Turner (UVA). Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Brief, 2017, 17-12.
Work in Progress
"College Financial Aid Policies," with Chao Fu (UW-Madison) and John Stromme (Vanderbilt)
"Political Views and College Choices in a Polarized America," with Riley Acton (Miami) and Paola Ugalde (LSU)
"The Emergence of Computer Science Degree Programs in the US," with Devaki Ghose (World Bank) and Ekaterina Khmelnitskaya (UBC - Sauder)
''University Leadership,'' with Allison Luedtke (St. Olaf), Jaime Davila (St. Olaf), and Kaya Gendreau